• A Company Dedicated to Safe Therapeutic Modulation of Monoamine Neurotransmitter

  • Reports positive statistically significant and clinically relevant Phase IIb efficacy data with pudafensin

  • Annual report 2023

    May 2, 2024

  • Interim Report January – March 2024

    May 10, 2024

  • Interim Report January – June 2024

    August 23, 2024


Initiator Pharma Numbers

  • Expected Number of men affected by Erectile Dysfunction worldwide by 2025 322 million
  • Number of people worldwide that are diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia every year: 15000
  • Men with Erectile Dysfunction who do not respond to drug therapy 40 %

Initiator Pharma currently has a portfolio of five projects, of which three are in clinical development and two are in preclinical development.

CEO letter

I am pleased to share an update on Initiator Pharma’s progress during the second quarter of 2024, a period marked by strategic advancements in our ongoing efforts to address unmet medical needs in erectile dysfunction (ED) and beyond.


Monoamine transporters is a unique class of proteins that are located just outside the synaptic cleft (peri-synaptically), transporting monoamine transmitter overflow from the synaptic cleft back to the cytoplasm of the pre-synaptic neuron. Our unique monoamine reupdate inhibitors are targeting the monoamine transporters to increase the levels of monoamine transmitters in diseases.